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A Call for Change in Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth

A Call for Change in Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth: In Memory of Nex Benedict

August 9, 2024 / Unity and Pride Network/ by Garrick Pattenden

The tragic death of Nex Benedict, a nonbinary student from Owasso, Oklahoma, following a school fight, has sent shockwaves through communities across the United States and Canada, raising significant questions about the safety and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth in schools. This story is not just about a life lost too soon; it is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by transgender and nonbinary students in environments where they should feel safe and supported. As we mourn Nex's passing, it is crucial to explore the broader implications of their story and what it means for LGBTQ+ youth in both countries.

A Heartbreaking Incident

Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old student at Owasso High School, passed away on February 8, 2024, just one day after a physical altercation with other students. The details of the incident are both troubling and heartbreaking. According to reports, Nex was involved in a fight with three older girls in a school bathroom—a confrontation that followed months of bullying targeted at Nex due to their gender identity. While the exact role of gender identity in the altercation remains unclear, it is evident that Nex had been facing persistent harassment.

The fight was brief, lasting less than two minutes, and was quickly broken up by other students and a supervising staff member. However, the effects of this encounter proved to be devastating. Although school officials determined that Nex did not require immediate ambulance service, the school nurse recommended that Nex visit a medical facility for further examination. Nex and their family followed this advice, reporting the altercation at a local hospital where Nex was initially treated.

The next day, Nex's condition deteriorated rapidly, leading to their return to the hospital where they were pronounced dead. The Owasso Police Department, in their investigation, reported that a complete autopsy performed by the State Medical Examiner's Office did not indicate that Nex's death was a direct result of trauma from the fight. The final cause of death remains pending as toxicology and other tests are completed.

The Impact of Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation in the United States

Nex Benedict's death did not occur in a vacuum. It is situated within a broader context of increasingly hostile legislative and social environments for LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly in states like Oklahoma. In recent years, Oklahoma has passed several laws that many view as discriminatory against transgender and nonbinary people. These include laws requiring students to use bathrooms that correspond with their sex assigned at birth, banning the use of nonbinary gender markers on identification documents, restricting access to gender-affirming care, and prohibiting transgender girls from participating in girls' sports.

Such legislation has been widely criticized for creating a climate of fear and exclusion for LGBTQ+ youth. Advocates argue that these laws not only stigmatize transgender and nonbinary individuals but also embolden bullies and contribute to an increase in violence and harassment. For students like Nex, who are already navigating the challenges of adolescence, these policies can exacerbate feelings of isolation and vulnerability.

Nex's mother, Sue Benedict, has spoken out about the bullying Nex endured, linking it to the broader social and political climate in Oklahoma. Advocacy groups like Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union have echoed these concerns, pointing to the "hateful rhetoric and discriminatory legislation" as factors that may have contributed to the hostility Nex faced at school.

The Canadian Perspective on LGBTQ+ Protections

While Nex's story unfolds in the United States, the issues it raises are highly relevant to Canada as well. Although Canada is often seen as a more progressive country in terms of LGBTQ+ rights, there are still significant challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. Canadian schools, like those in the United States, are not immune to incidents of bullying and discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

Canada has implemented a number of legal protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including the inclusion of gender identity and expression in the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. However, the effectiveness of these protections varies across provinces and territories, and the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ youth can differ widely depending on their location and the support systems available to them.

The Canadian government has taken steps to address issues of bullying and discrimination in schools, including the implementation of anti-bullying campaigns and support for LGBTQ+ inclusive education. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that all students feel safe and supported, regardless of their gender identity.

Nex Benedict's story serves as a reminder that legal protections alone are not enough. There needs to be a concerted effort at all levels—government, schools, and communities—to create truly inclusive environments where LGBTQ+ youth can thrive.

The Role of Schools in Protecting LGBTQ+ Students

The incident at Owasso High School has raised critical questions about the role of educational institutions in protecting LGBTQ+ students. Schools are supposed to be safe spaces where all students, regardless of their gender identity, can learn and grow without fear of harassment or violence. However, the reality is that many schools are ill-equipped to handle the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ students.

In Nex's case, it appears that the school staff responded quickly to the physical altercation, but the broader issue of ongoing bullying and harassment was not adequately addressed. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of anti-bullying policies and the training provided to staff on how to support LGBTQ+ students.

There is a pressing need for schools to implement comprehensive policies that specifically protect transgender and nonbinary students. This includes not only responding to incidents of bullying but also creating an inclusive environment where all students feel respected and valued. Training for staff on LGBTQ+ issues, clear reporting mechanisms for students, and mental health support services are all essential components of such policies.

In Canada, similar concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of school policies in protecting LGBTQ+ students. While many Canadian schools have adopted inclusive policies, the implementation and enforcement of these policies can vary significantly. There is a need for consistent, nationwide standards that ensure all students are protected, regardless of where they live or go to school.

Bullying and Mental Health

The link between bullying and mental health is well-documented, particularly for LGBTQ+ youth who are disproportionately affected by harassment and discrimination. Studies have shown that LGBTQ+ students who experience bullying are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Nex Benedict's story is a tragic example of the toll that bullying can take on a young person's mental and physical well-being. For months, Nex endured harassment that no doubt took a significant emotional toll. The lack of adequate support and intervention may have compounded the impact of this bullying, contributing to the tragic outcome.

It is crucial that schools, communities, and families recognize the severe consequences of bullying and take proactive steps to support LGBTQ+ youth. This includes providing mental health resources, fostering open communication, and ensuring that students know they are not alone in their struggles.

Both in the United States and Canada, there is a need for greater access to mental health services that are specifically tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ youth. This includes not only addressing the effects of bullying but also providing support for the unique challenges that come with exploring and affirming one's gender identity.

Family and Community Responses

In the wake of Nex's death, their family and the local community have expressed their grief and called for justice. Nex's mother, Sue Benedict, has been vocal about the need for accountability and transparency in the investigation into her child's death. The family has also expressed regret over not fully understanding and using Nex's correct name and pronouns during their lifetime—a reflection of the challenges many families face as they navigate the complexities of gender identity.

The Benedict family, supported by legal counsel, is independently investigating the circumstances surrounding Nex's death, determined to hold those responsible accountable. They have called on local, state, and national officials to join forces in ensuring that such a tragedy never happens again.

The broader community, including LGBTQ+ advocacy groups like Freedom Oklahoma, has also rallied in support of Nex and their family. These organizations have emphasized the importance of remembering Nex not just for the tragedy of their death, but for the person they were—a kind, music-loving individual who always sought the best in others.

In Canada, similar tragedies have led to strong community responses and calls for justice. The story of Nex Benedict resonates with Canadian families and advocates who have experienced or witnessed the struggles of LGBTQ+ youth. It underscores the need for continued advocacy and support for families as they navigate these challenging situations.

Legal and Social Accountability

The ongoing investigation into Nex Benedict's death will be crucial in determining the next steps for legal and social accountability. The findings from the police investigation and the State Medical Examiner's Office will likely influence whether any charges are filed against those involved in the altercation.

Beyond legal accountability, there is a need for a broader social reckoning with the factors that contributed to Nex's death. This includes holding those who promote anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and legislation accountable for the harm they cause. It is essential that society recognizes the real-world consequences of discriminatory policies and works to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

In Canada, legal protections for LGBTQ+ individuals are generally stronger than in the United States, but the need for social accountability remains just as pressing. Canadian society must continue to confront and challenge anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes and ensure that all individuals, especially youth, are protected from harm.

Honoring Nex's Memory

Nonbinary student dies after school fight

As we reflect on the life and legacy of Nex Benedict, it is important to honor their memory by advocating for change. Nex's love for rock music, their kindness, and their unwavering belief in the goodness of others are qualities that should be remembered and celebrated. In the face of tragedy, their story can serve as a catalyst for positive change—prompting society to take a stand against bullying, discrimination, and violence.

Advocacy groups and community members in both the United States and Canada are already working to ensure that Nex's death is not in vain. By pushing for stronger protections for LGBTQ+ youth, raising awareness about the dangers of bullying, and fostering inclusive environments, we can honor Nex's memory and work towards a future where no young person has to endure the same hardships.

Update on Nex Benedict's Cause of Death

Following the release of the full autopsy report, it was determined that Nex Benedict's death was caused by suicide due to drug toxicity, specifically involving fluoxetine and diphenhydramine. Although the autopsy ruled out physical injury as the direct cause of death, LGBTQ+ advocates emphasize that the bullying and harassment Nex endured played a significant role in the tragic outcome. This update underscores the need to address the broader social issues contributing to the mental health challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth.

WATCH | A Canadian psychologist's role in anti-trans legislation in the U.S.:

Conclusion: A Call for Change

The death of Nex Benedict is a heartbreaking reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by transgender and nonbinary youth in today's society. It underscores the urgent need for comprehensive protections, both in schools and in the broader community, to ensure that all young people can live their lives free from fear and discrimination.

As we remember Nex, let us commit to fighting for a world where every individual, regardless of their gender identity, is treated with dignity and respect. By addressing the root causes of bullying and discrimination, advocating for stronger protections, and supporting those who are most vulnerable, we can create a safer and more inclusive world for future generations. Nex's story, though tragic, has the power to inspire change—let us honor their memory by making that change a reality.