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Unity and Pride Network LGBTQ+ Basics: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

LGBTQ+ Basics: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

July 15, 2024 / Unity and Pride Network / by Garrick Pattenden

Understanding the basics of LGBTQ+ is essential in fostering an inclusive and supportive society. The Unity and Pride Network is dedicated to educating and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community across North America. This article provides a foundational understanding of key terms, concepts, and ways to support LGBTQ+ individuals. Learn more about our mission.

What Does LGBTQ Stand For?

LGBTQ is an acronym that represents a diverse range of sexual orientations and gender identities:

Lesbian: Women attracted to women. Lesbian women often face unique social and cultural challenges, and supporting them involves understanding these issues and advocating for their rights. Read more about supporting lesbian women.

Gay: Men attracted to men. Gay men have been central to the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and their experiences highlight the importance of community and solidarity. Explore the history of gay rights.

Bisexual: Individuals attracted to both men and women. Bisexual individuals often encounter biphobia, both within and outside the LGBTQ+ community, and need support in affirming their identities. Learn about biphobia.

Transgender: Individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender people may undergo various forms of transition (social, medical, legal) and face significant societal challenges. Read about transgender rights in Ontario.

Queer or Questioning: Queer is an identifier for individuals who are not exclusively heterosexual in their sexual orientation, who use it in reference to their gender identity and/or gender expression (as a standalone term or part of another like genderqueer), or who are fluid in their identities, as well as an umbrella term for the entire community. It is also used instead of lesbian, bisexual, or gay by some people who find those terms too limiting or loaded with connotations that do not apply to them. The "Q" in LGBTQIA+ and similar acronyms commonly means Queer. As a reclaimed word, it has been used in fights for LGBTQIA+ rights and liberation as an inclusive and sometimes defiant term. PFLAG and GLAAD are two of the organizations that recommend only using it for people who self-identify as queer because it has varying meanings and is not universally accepted. In addition, the term may be used in preference to other identifiers by members, for a variety of reasons. Explore queer identities.

The extended acronym LGBTQIA+ includes:

Intersex: Individuals born with physical sex characteristics that don’t fit typical definitions of male or female. Intersex people often face medical and social challenges related to their bodies and identities. Learn more about intersex individuals.

Asexual: Individuals who experience little or no sexual attraction. Asexual people may have romantic attractions and relationships, and their experiences broaden the understanding of human sexuality. Read about asexuality.

Understanding Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation refers to who you’re attracted to and encompasses a spectrum of identities. Here are some key orientations:

Lesbian: Women attracted to women. Discover more about lesbian identity.

Gay: Men attracted to men. Learn about the gay community.

Bisexual: Attracted to both men and women. Explore bisexuality.

Asexual: Experiencing little or no sexual attraction. Read about asexual experiences.

Pansexual: Attracted to people regardless of gender. Understand pansexuality.

Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect of identity, influencing relationships, community involvement, and personal well-being. It is important to respect and validate all sexual orientations to create an inclusive society.

Personal Experience:

Some individuals, like myself, Garrick, identify as asexual, meaning they have no interest in either sex or having sex. At my current age, this lack of interest in sexual activity doesn't phase me anymore, unlike in my younger years when I desired it with women frequently. I enjoy the company of both females and males as friends but am not interested in the romantic part. I identify as straight, reflecting my historical heterosexual orientation, but now align more closely with being aromantic and asexual.

Reflect on Your Own Experience:

Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences and write down your answers to the following questions. Be 100% honest with yourself, and avoid any falsehoods or self-deception. This exercise is for your personal growth and understanding:

• How do you identify in terms of sexual orientation?

• Have your feelings and interests changed over time?

• What relationships bring you the most fulfillment and joy?

• How do you prefer to express your identity to others?

• Have societal or cultural expectations influenced how you perceive your sexual orientation or gender identity?

• When do you feel most comfortable and authentic in your interactions with others?

• Are there aspects of your identity that you have suppressed or hidden? If so, why?

• How do your close friends and family perceive your identity, and how does that affect you?

• What fears or concerns do you have about expressing your true identity?

• How have your experiences with acceptance or discrimination shaped your understanding of your identity?

Refer back to this section or other parts of the article for more options and terminology to help you accurately describe and understand your identity. Writing down your thoughts can help you better understand and articulate your own identity, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and acceptance.

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